Spectron MIII MKII after market tweeks ?

Pls share your tweeks on your Spectron MIII MKII power amps.
I know the power cord and isolation devices makes a difference. At the moment I am powering up 3 pcs MIII MKII with PAD Dominus Ferox and installed Finite Elemente Cerapucs.
Each amp is feed on it's dedicated 20 amp 120 vac line.
The results are easily felt especially with more clarity of the bass notes.
I am considering adding the Remote Sense Cables, however, I operate 2 amps in mono and I am not sure if the Remote Sense applies in mono mode and what benefit versus the price of the Elrod cables.

Thank you.
The two best tweeks I have found are Isoclean fuses (instead of HiFi fuses) and Fusion Audio Enchanter power cords. I do use Remote Sense cables but have not compared them to any of the high end speaker cables.
Hello Terry,
Call Spectron - Simon has a long list of tweaks for Spectron. Ask him nicely ;--)

All The Best
We own similar design amps- mine is Wyred4Sound multichannel, as I am biamping.

I highly recommend Clear Day solid core silver speaker cables. I am using the double shotgun. The improvements over many far more expensive cables was startling.
What does an audiophile do when he has it all but is still desperately looking for something to tweek or upgrade? I believe that you, my friend, are at that point of an audiophile's life.