Power conditioner

I am looking for a power conditioner for my sys
Amp Rogue Zeus
Pre amp BAT 32SE

1-Could you recommend for some?
2-Should I plug the amp to the power conditioner or not?

best pure conditioners I have used are the Richard Gray stuff, I have an APC S15 and PS Audio Duet (big 550w monoblocks). the APC was/is fine, and very flexible all alone, but the monoblocks pulled so much power I had to get something to supplement at high volumes
Not sure what you want to spend but the Running Springs products are very good. You could plug your amp into a RSA PLC with no issues.

Alan Maher products also warrant a look. Different concept though than traditional power conditioning.
You might want to check TORUS(bryston website).
They have models from 2.5a to 100a.
they are pricey,but well worth the investment.
Nice to use dedicated lines,but if your amps like 50,100a
on musical peaks,the wall can never give that to you.
You could e-mail jamestanner@bryston or on audiocircle
under bryston.James is a superb person to deal with.
tell him what you have and especially the amps,how much amps they use at full power,and he'll definately recommend which model you would need.Torus is one MAJOR improvement.
Do your self a major service and check it out.

I do have a paper that james e-mailed me,I could send you a copy(need e-mail address)or it is also on the audiocircle
website under bryston.I'm sure you won't look back.
PS Audio Duet or Quintet or Chang Lightspeed. Neither limit current!Check out there reviews!
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