What should I change

Hello everyone,

I currently have a 2 channel setup consisting of all Audia electronics (Audia Flight Pre, 100 AMP, CD-One), peak consult empress speakers, 2 stereo subs (audio data soutien 2s). ICs and PCs are made by my consultant.

While I can't complain about any aspect of the sound (soundstage, timber, impact etc is all good) I am stuck with the most intangible problem. Lack of or low on emotion. I can't seem to be able to get drawn into music.

I changed from all ARC an year back and although its been a long time I don't recall having this problem so consistently. Sure I had my bad days due to stress etc where music was not enjoyable but I don't remember this being a long streak.

Maybe I am just tired as it took me a year to get to my present system and it has been a long and hard journey. Or maybe its the tubes that I am still missing.

My consultant has a view (similar to many others I have read on the forums) that these days a well set up system sounds more or less the same as during the last 5 years or so SS and tubes have become very close if not the same. However tube maintenance is a pain. Therefore he is now a pure SS camper. However one twist is that he himself has a tube amp :-)

One question I have is that if I decide to try tube gear which one makes most difference in your experience. This will help as I can't test it with all tube gear to begin with but if one component would take me in the right direction I will move back into tube territory gradually again.

I also heard once that low damping factor (12) of ARC Ref110 was the part that gave it the distinct sound I seemed to enjoy so much. Any comments on that?

Personally I am not an expert and does not have decades of fideling experience with either tubes or SS but I know what I like.

In this thread I hope that people with more experience/knowledge will share some with me.

Not familiar with Audia but ditching the ARC equipment sounds questionable to me.

A tube DAC with the CDP if it has digital outputs might be a low cost, low impact change worth a try.
The Audia equipment looks like good stuff and has had good reviews in Europe - that being said, I think the move away from tubes (not ARC per se)is likely to be the source of dissatisfaction; for some people, only tubes sound right. What equipment has Peak been paired with at audio shows? That could be a good guide (usually).
If your system is digital.....I agree try a tube dac...there are some good ones. Of course tubes have a sound inherit that is pleasing to the brain and ear. I have both a SS amp and tube amps....both are highly transparent....which draws me into what I hear....if I had to say which one was more consistant at acheiving "nirvana" tough call but a great tube amp get's the nod.

If you decide to try a tube dac....I chose a Monarchy NM24...but I replaced the stock tubes (dac side) with Amperex PQ 1950's d-getters and also replace the 2 coupling caps with Mundorf M Supreme.....a excellant upgrade..and easy on the wallet....good luck.
A tube preamp with a quality SS amp is a great combination. You get tube sweetness from the pre, without all the tube maintenance issues (preamp tubes last many thousands of hours).

I personally use a Supratek Chenin tube preamp with a Gilmore Raven SS amp. I love the combo.
your equipment has nothing to do with your emotional satisfaction. there are other reasons, in my opinion. perhaps, it is your expectations, or you are listening in an analytical/critical mode.

consider all possible other reasons, before replacing any of your components.

i have simple tastes. if a instruments sound real, i/m happy. it doesn't matter whether it is a radio, boom box or stereo system that is the medium.