Joule electra Pre Amp -tube rolling

time to roll some tubes on my la 100 mk2. Quick review of some of the forums seems to convey that the joule is less sensitive to tube rolling and thus NOS may not be cost effective. Any thoughts from prior owners/experimenters would be appreciated. May be just a case to simply call joule an order up what ever they use. The line up i believe is:

1 - 5751
1 - 6350
2 - OA2
2 - 6EM7

Thanks all
Hello guys,

What tubes do you recommend for his LA-150 MkII preamp?

Thanks in advance
IIRC, for the linestage Jud uses the Sylvania 6350's. Same as he does for the LA-100 preamps that have this tube in the circuit. From what I've heard he has a pretty good stash of these tubes.

Since you had this unit of late I would suspect Jud is out of the Sylvanias. In either case I'd go with what Jud uses.
I'm not sure, the Mk II may be slightly different, but this is what I use in the Mk III.

For the 5751, I recommend a NOS Sylvania black plate, triple mica, "D" getter with yellow lettering, not the ones with the green lettering. That tube made a vast improvement.

For the 6350, an NOS RCA black plate.

For the OA2's, I use the NOS OA2WA version made by CBS-Hytron. Not easy to find and honestly I didn't hear a difference, but the WA type is more rugged and I'm sure any WA type will be fine.

For the 6EM7's, mine actually uses 13EM7's, which Jud said he uses from time to time. I use NOS RCA's there.

Enjoy, Joule makes an excellent pre amp.