Pream question

A few days ago I got Audio Research LS-5 MKII for testing. The sound seems good for me so I decided to buy it. But right now there are two more preamps in the same price range at our local market: Audio Research LS-25 MKII and Balanced Audio Technology VK-51SE. All have quite positive feedbacks... What will be the best choice among these three?

My current system is: B&W Matrix 803 S2, Luxman Da-06 DAC and Luxman M600-A amp.
Strange that the BAT 51 and the LS-25 should be the same price used. The BAT was a $10k unit when new and the LS-25 a $5500 unit.

I'd get the BAT, if you can deal with the heat from the eight 6H30P valves. I hope it comes with the remote, though.

I think that the LS-25 may be a touch too dry with your B&Ws.

The easiest way to do this, is to listen to all 3 and pick the one that sounds the best.
All three could be quite old.
Whichever you choose, you'll probably want to send back to the factory for an inspection (caps in particular).
It's quite a problem to be able to listen to the used amps. Not many sellers are ready to give a "trial period"... The same is with sending to the factory for an inspection - the overseas shipping is rather expensive and noone can guarantee that the amp survives it well.

As I understand the BAT should be the newest one among all three?