Krell or Anthem ???

Matter of fact, I really like my present amplify 180wpc Anthem A5. It's very liable, I use it mainly for both HT and 2-ch with no problem what so ever. But the bug is scratching my butt. Since I love 2-ch so much, I want more power for the TWO front speakers. An audio buddy of mine (very experienced gent) highly suggested NOT getting the top line 325wpc Anthem P5. “Go for a USED Krell”, he said.

I have collected and read many articles but I need inputs from the "real world" people, ones that already have had/used Krells. This thread is very specific but still, my apology is out if it's double posted.

1/ Please point out ALL differences between these two old Krell KAV-2250 and KSA-250? I'd like to know evthing about them, literally. (thanks, I already have specs from

2/ Can both of these Krells out-perform my 180wpc Anthem A5 in dynamic and sound quality?

3/ Can they also top out the flagship Anthem 325wpc model P5?
Fact: In paper, the P5 has much "beautiful" chart and numbers than the Krell's.

4/ Is it true that the 2-ch Krell KAV-2250 will have more effort/juice to push than its sister 3-ch KAV-3250 even both have same power output?

PM is welcome,

Greatly appreciated.
I owned Krell and actually still have a 1991 Krell KSA 300 S n my closet.Anthem are softer in presentation but a fine amp.Krell A/B are not their class A products (and that's what my guess is you'd be comparing to).Both Krells have similar sound (though between them like price it is night and day).Having once sold Krell bu not anthem I can tel you that most likely if you are bass freak Krell would be your choice.They have decent clear highs (though some other better them) but bass is their forte.Some think that Krell is too analytical but this I thin is not a knock on high end clarity or vice grip lock on bass but because their mids are bi metallic and "etched".Plus they are no super value.If you need lot's of power you might also think of old stand by Bryston (4 BST with say 10 left on warranty is what I got for friend who has current hungry Maggies.If he had say B&W's which I also sols I would have sold him my Krell but it's not match with Maggies even though it is a high current amp and Moggies can suck down the current).Another thing is fi you can go out and liste to a new ICE powered Class D amps from Bel Canto,PS Audio etc.Wyred sold direct from Wally Liderman at underwoodwally direct is a 21st century type of thing and most folks like them.One caveat I thought Krell (new) was way overpriced and since I am a vocals acoustic music (jazz fan) I chose tubes for my horns and sold more McIntosh which had less resolution but was more "musical".My suggestion cast a bigger net.As most like me who (think) they are in know it's best to describe speakers as synergy works with some and whole systems to see if something else needs updating more than amp since it is "Should I keep" which means you like what you have but could go better.Maybe money is other parts of system make sense first.Anthem made a good product but I thought it was just a touch above mid fi like Rotel,Adcom etc and now might be bettered by good NAD silver series.Just my opinion.if I check post again mention speakers.
I can't help you wioth choice as I have not owned both but Krell is expensive, for sure. However, I would ask what speakers are you driving that they could fully benefit from such power? If you are looking for dynamics and greater clarity at more powerful SPL levels then it is of much more importance to talk about the speakers - many speakers may not be able to fully utilize 325 Watts most will compress thermally and exceed linear excursion of the drivers (sound dull and congested) long before you can fully use that kind of power...