BAT, ARC, VAC, Shindo?

Current system is VAC Avatar Super (80W KT88) driving Devore Silverbacks in a combo 2 channel HT rig. Sounds great with good bass and soundstage. In the never ending quest for improvement and I am wondering about seperates or another integrated. I've been researching Shindo (no remote or pass thru), ARC LS26/VS55, BAT pre?/VK55SE, or VAC Phi Beta Integrated. Anything else to consider in this league?
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ARC is always a good choice because you can always get it serviced or upgraded as you move into the future. VAC and BAT has simlilar reputations, but have not been in business nearly as long and have not had to weather as many storms. It will be interesting to see how many High End companies fold if the recession drags out.
I went from the VAC Avatar SE to Auricle MB70s. I use a Rowland Capri with the MB70s. I have to say I prefer the MB70s/Capri combo but as Tvad said its a different sound, not necessarily better.

If you like the VAC sound and your Super has HT bypass you might want to pick up a VAC preamp. You can run it through the Super's HT bypass to see how they sound together. If you like it you may want to seek out some VAC KT-88 monoblocks.
Room size and listening habbits might be helpful. There are endless possibilities with the Silverbacks.

BTW... Check out wrp's system called "2 Channel + Home Theater + Multi-Zone" for the possibilites with integrating Shindo and hometheater (w a pair of Silverbacks).

I have never heard these combinations (so take this for what it's worth) but my suspicion is that the Bat and Arc pairing with the Silverback is that it might be a little on the dry side.

There is a Silverback dealer in Atlanta (Steve at Playhouse Audio- 404-373-4279) that uses a BAT pre and a SS amp as his referance. Might be worth contacting.