If I like sound of Ayre Integrated I would Like...

I am trying to get ideas of what Ingrted Amps I might need to look at before buying.

Please fill in the blanks.
You may want to have a look at a well broken in Jeff Rowland (JRDG) Continuum 500. Rather than a classic SS using discrete components, it is a class D design using ICEpower ASP1000 modules, a Power Factor Correction / rectifier front end that feeds 385V DC to the input transformer for minimizing line noise and charge ripples. Continuum 500 includes a linestage card equivalent to the JRDG Capri linestage. DCSTEP has posted a review of it on Agon and discusses it at length on his home thread. G.
Well, if you are only interested in SS, I would consider the new Pass Integrated, not sure you would like it better than the Ayre, but I consider both Ayre and Pass to be at the pinnacle of SS design. You comments on tubes makes me wonder what tubes amps you heard and with what speakers, it doesn't sound like my experience with tubes at all, but that is another debate and if you want SS Pass is certainly a worthy alternative.
If you like the Ayre, why don't you just get that?

Dismissing tubes to a "nostalgic novelty" reflects a very narrow viewpoint and someone who either has precious little experience with modern tube amps, or has not discovered the wonders of Q-tips :-)

Strange, I never heard tube amplifier with clear open treble or tight controlled bass.

Which tube amps have you listened to? My friend's VTL 450's in the context of his system most certainly fit that description. The SET amps I prefer may lack in the ultimate low end control, but they certainly have upper extension and no SS, including the Ayre, could touch them for soundstaging and sheer palpability of performers in a 3-dimensional space behind the speakers ("natural presence" in spades). The Ayre did excel in other areas, certainly bass control being one, but I'm willing to sacrifice some of that for the strengths I prefer. It's all a trade-off and IMO there is no one perfect solution that does everything just "right". You just need to find what works for you. I do respect that it sounds like you know what you want, but don't understand what it is that you are looking for beyond that; Perhaps if you were to define what it is that the Ayre did not have that you are after, others may be able to be more specific? As I said, I haven't heard an SS amp I liked as much as the Ayre I auditioned, but then I don't get out much....too busy waxing nostalgic on the sounds of tubes.
I have to disagree with Jax2...I have an Ayre v1xe connected to a K1xe, and the soundstage is as wide as depicted on the recording. If it's a nightclub jazz recording..no, but listening to Das Lied von der Erde by Tilson Thomas et al, you are transported to the event including the air of the hall. There are tubed units that induce "air" into a recording...not needed or wanted.