Dynaudio C2 with Plinius 9200

G'day all

I would like to ask the advice of fellow Dynaudio/Plinius owners and fans.

I am considering upgrading my speakers to Dynaudio C2's and im wondering wether my Plinius 9200 would be adequate to drive them or would i need to upgrade to a bigger Plinius amp.

My room is approx 15' x 18' and i generally only listen at low to moderate volumes so will the 9200 still give me the kick??

Thanks very much
Pdreher if you care to know I have Marantz universal player Music Hall Mambo amp and ATC SCM 35 Passive.
I use copper wires for cables. And all my power cords are black.

Perhaps it wasn't the speaker and instead the low powered integrated amplifiers from Linn and Naim which could be part of the problem?

That's my point, while you seem to ask people to leave their keyboards I'm quite confident most posting on this thread have heard more then you, and your complete lack of knowledge with regards to SYNERGY and listening to a system as a WHOLE makes one wonder.

I've never heard of anybody using small scale integrated amplifiers with Dynaudio with any success. I know I haven't. The synergistic match is usually Krell, SimAudio or Plinius. I'm quite convinced (however have not heard) that other higher powered Solid State designs from the likes of Pass, MAC and Gryphon would work as well.

Perhaps you should listen or take up another hobby as you seem disgruntled.
Dynaudio C has its issues for sure. I have a few friends who got rid of them rather quickly....
I don't think it is a power issue. If it was I would be complaining about lack of bass not the excess of it.
Look , I do think objectively that absolute majority of products on the audio market are bad. I am not talking about voodoo products like audio fuses and power cords: those are beyond any criticisms for any rational person. I am talking about all that plethora of electronic equipment that is floating around this forum and many other sites with FOR SALE signs on it.
And btw SYNERGY was invented by salesmen. I am not going to deny that most amps intensionally designed to sound distorted, so that audiophiles have something to talk about on these forums, but it's not a reason for anyone to jump on that marry-go-round.
The moment I hear someone talking about MATCHING amplifier to a speaker I realize that they talking about broken electronics being paired with poorly-designed analog front.
Think about it rationally; have you ever heard anyone returning from a concert and complaining that orchestra sounded soft o lacked bass or that they would look for a warmer sounding performers next time?
Next time someone tells you :"Sound is subjective" laugh at them. Sound is objective to a very high degree that is evolution, that is harmony that everyone understands. If sound was subjective we would not have music or recognise each other voices.