Life without a remote

I am considering a pre-amp that has no remote. As I sit here listening to music, I have adjusted the volume multiple times in just the last few minutes. I adjust so I can pretend I'm listening to my wife when she tries to talk to me. I adjust for different songs. I adjust in the middle of a song. I tweak to get just the right level from my listening spot.

So for those of you that don't have a remote or don't use one - how do you do it? Is there an adjustment period? Is listening more enjoyable because you can't easily play with the volume?
I have a remote for my Cary SLP98P preamp and like not having to get up. However, there is less chance of noise without one. I'm not that critical, and as long as all of my equipment works well,I only care what I think. The best thing to me about a remote is that you keep your hands OFF of your equipment. Yes I use white gloves when moving any components or repalcing tubes etc. That way , everything stays very new and if I sell it,the new owner will be very pleased also. I do the same with cars too. Used is great if it is almost or as good as new. You save lots of money and can afford better things this way. Why are so many people so careless with things after they buy them? I've only bought 2 items on Agon both rated about an 8 and when I received them one was (is) a 9.5 the other 9.0 This is how I love to buy and sell. As opposed to EBAY
I generally don't use a remote. Never bothered me one bit, but from what I have seen, for most audiophiles, it is a requirement. It seems we're now willing to compromise sonic performance (presuming a unit being considered without the remote is superior to one being considered with it) for the convenience.

But, who am I to judge? I listen to CDs at almost all times, knowing full well their inherent inferiority to vinyl.
Joe, I think presuming that a preamp w/o a remote is superior to a preamp w/ a remote is a real stretch. As I said earlier, I've owned a few 'high end' preamps w/o remotes from manufacturers like Coda, Krell, Threshold, Conrad Johnson, etc. I have also owned preamps with remotes from manufacturers like Threshold, VAC, ARC, BAT, Krell, etc. As far as what I've heard, the preamps overall design is much more important sonically than whether the preamp has a remote or not.

Grant's preference for the Lamm over the ARC would probably stay the same if the Lamm had a remote and the ARC did not. I've heard enough preamps to know that I believe the remote is a non-issue sonically compared to the design of the preamp. FWIW, I've found that I prefer tubes over SS preamps. That is a major difference to me. Arguing over whether a remote improves or degrades the audio experience is like arguing over whether a phase switch is necessary or not.

The enjoyment of sound is in the design of the preamp, not the bells and whistles. That's my $0.02.

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