"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?

There sure seems to be allot of continued "BUZZ" regarding "D" amps. I am reading more and more SET/Tube users and lovers actually recommending and using them.

So what are your thoughts.
Yes i had Bel canto int,and also red Dragon mono blocks,yes they have good bass,but its not any better then decent solid state ,the highs were messed up and after lots of listening they just didnt work in my system,maybe it was because of my Legacy speakers,i dont know at first they wowed me,months later it was obvious to me that something wrong was going on here,did i hear it at first no,later on yes,it was actually a quite uncomfortable experience.
I'd say if you want to try these amps,look right here and buy used,if it doesn't work out sell and you wont be out the cash as if you buy new and then sell.
Jswarncke, thanks for the info. his name is Anthony, I actualy know him and we communicate often but he has never mention such to me that he uses Spectron amps which is strange. I'll be giving him a ring.

Coffeey thanks for the input, I have not seen any latest version Spectron mono blocks come up for sale used period, nor JRD 301 mono's or the newest version Bel Canto's MKII's which would be due to them just being too new. I tried class "D" before if you read back my threads and the experience was not favourable but there seems to have been advancements since then and I'm never closed minded.
Thanks i'm not bashing anything,there is no doubt they have big potential,and if they do overcome some of these things,like being more compatible with more systems,there's no reason to think they wont be outstanding,but they have a ways to go.I know there's system snergy but some of this stuff shouldn't have to be so system dependent.
Muralman1 said:

"Insulated cables hiss. Non insulated cables don't."

You mean, in your system, I'm certain.
