"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?

There sure seems to be allot of continued "BUZZ" regarding "D" amps. I am reading more and more SET/Tube users and lovers actually recommending and using them.

So what are your thoughts.
Hello Dave: Never make assumptions. I own a pair of Spectrons with all upgrades ($21k retail). Good amps. I heard a lot about your Jeff Rowland ($9k) and I am well familiar with Rowland 312 ($14k) - you probably can add new Bel Canto Ref1000 Mk2 ($6k/pr) but I will wait Kal's review and then I will add it to the list of 1st class - class D amplifiers

...and then I spent a week in Canada and friend of the friend owns Joule-Electra Rite of Passage and big MBL speakers. I spent a large number of hours , almost every day, in his listening room. I will not tell you how accurate was this or inacuracte was that (I am professional cellist) - frankly I did not give a ... I knew I can't stand, I can't leave, I can't stop listening to the music. It was increadibly REALISTIC representation of REAL music. I am like a dog - I can tell you what I hear, I can't explain why (I did not hear euphonic even order or other kind of distortions, sorry)

Joule-Electra's web site is a bit neglected so you have to do your own research..... and you will discover that his "equipment" was reviewed time and time again by Harry Pearson of TAS, David Robonson of Positive Feedback and such, that he has many prestigeous awards etc etc.

So at first I thought that I am insane but now I know that I am only poor. I can't afford big MBL with Rite of Psssage.

I suspect that you want to say that I was hearing effect of MBL. Its true but I heard to these great speakers with so many solid state amps (including MBL) that I know that I heard - I heard "magic" pure and simple "magic".

So, Dave - let us enjoy good amps we own but please let me dream about listening to REAL music or....its SOUL

All The Best
Dear Dev, Please see above in my response to Dave what I heard in Joule-Electra power amp. To your amin question: Yes, we all heard about new upcoming killer preamp from Joule-Electra and I know personally the gentleman who you mentioned. My current preamp is REX by BAT, truly excellent preamp. However, in a few days I will be receiving new Joule-Electra flagship preamp - I never heard it, I got it only upon recommendation of this person - and he did only excellent recommendation (so far that is).

If ths preamp has some family resemblance to Joule-Electra power amps I expect to be in heaven...

I will let you know and if I will like it... I will write serious review.

Thank you and all the best.
Dob, very interesting indeed. What did the rest of this system consist of that you heard with the MBL's and I presume when you refer to big MBL's they are the 101E's, same speakers I own. I really enjoy my MBL's and every amp combo I pair up with them I learn new things even with the amps presently in place which are just carry overs from my CAT JL3's until I find replacements.

Does this same person also own JMLab Focal Grande Utopia BE speakers (MSRP: $99,995) may have sold them by now. Black piano, wood floors in the living room, Teres table.

Look forward to your thoughts of the Joule pre., from what I have heard suppose to be a real gem.

"11-28-08: Dob
Hello Dave: Never make assumptions. I own a pair of Spectrons with all upgrades ($21k retail). Good amps. I heard a lot about your Jeff Rowland ($9k) and I am well familiar with Rowland 312 ($14k) - you probably can add new Bel Canto Ref1000 Mk2 ($6k/pr) but I will wait Kal's review and then I will add it to the list of 1st class - class D amplifiers"

What happens when Kal reviews a product?
Dob, I am curious did you run a tube pre-amp with your Spectrons?
I find running a tube pre into the Spectron gives it that naturalness without losing that effortless, clear sound which is it's forte.
IMS the synergy is excellent you get the best of both worlds. Just my 2 cents YMMV.