Should I get a new amp?

I just picked up a fresh pair of Focal/JMLab Electra 1027be's and I'm now looking toward a possible amp upgrade. Currently, I have an older Outlaw 750 (165w x 5 @ 8ohm) pushing them but I'm itching to upgrade. Question is, will I really hear a big difference? That's when all you guys come in with your opinions :-)

My amp budget is about $1,500 (used from A-Gon is fine) and I'm only interested in 2 channel amps. I would continue to push the rest of my HT speakers with the Outlaw, so this amp would be dedicated to the 1027s.

This would also be for about 95% music, 5% HT.

I can get an Anthem Statement A2 for about $1,000 or a P2 for about $2,000 (little over budget...but might be willing to stretch) but I don't know if there is something better in my price range.

And finally, my room is narrow. 11' wide, 20' long (with an open back), and 7.5" high (basement). My speakers are on the short wall firing down the room toward the open end. I tend to sit about 7' off the speakers for listening.

Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated, as always.

Thanks guys!

Mixing 2 and multichannel presents problems. First, room acoustics are skewed by all the other speakers. Speaker Positioning for 2 channel will be different than multichannel.

Lastly, no matter the budget, the same money invested into a 2 channel rig will outperform that same money invested into a multichannel rig hands down.

Test it yourself. Once you get the new speakers and amp sorted out, play your movies through the 2 channel, then the multichannel.
If you do upgrade, you might want to consider a tube amp, especially with the Focals. If I were in your position, I would look into the Rogue Stereo 90 which you can get used for about $1,200. The Rogue is a great sounding amp and is built like a tank, also has excellent customer service.
If you could up the ante a bit, I would consider a Conrad Johnson MV60.