Passive Preamps? Anyone?

Will kind folks point me in the direction of some really good passive preamps, or really good, small (1-2) input active pre's? I'm thinking about trying a new DAC that does not come with volume control, so, alas, I need a good pre. Thanks!
Thanks everyone for the thoughtful responses! I'll start checking into these options.
There is a long thread on DIY forum on the Lightspeed passive attenuator, which is sold commercially by georgehifi (indentified throughout the thread.) His design is based on optocoupler resistors, as formerly used in the Melos photentiometer volume control and more recently, apparently, in a Dart Zeel $20K preamp. The design is not easily adaptable to a balanced system, but if you are running single ended, this may be the most transparent(and inexpensive) passive.
I think all the information above is very good, not mentioned (unless I missed it) is the music forst which is a TVC and is very nice

I recently did something of a passive shoot out using the Music First copper, Promitheus Ref with Double C-Core, Placette, and both balanced and unbalanced EVO nude attenuators.

I could have lived with any of them happily preferring the Promitheus.

Ultimately I have choosen a tube distinctions soulmate and a TRL battery unit as the ones I will keep. But this is not purely for sonic reasons but some convenience and aesthetics as well.

IMO, the use of passives is very system dependent....if you have the right output from your front end and the right gain structure throughout, can keep the IC's short and preferably use unshielded IC's so capacitance is not an issue the results can be terrific. Now these are important conditions and not easy to meet without other issues popping up.
I run a Canary Audio CA-200 Passive Preamp between a modified Music Hall Maverick CD player and a Spectron Musician amp. I have experienced none of the negatives you usually hear about using a passive preamp. There is nothing fancy about the design and I run it using very short Wireworld gold/silver Eclipse cables.
Are you still using the Paradigm Reference Active 40 speakers? If so and I read the amp specs correctly the line in input impedance is 15k ohms. That is something to take into consideration when selecting a passive preamp. That being said the other posters have covered the gamut on the different brands. Personally I prefer the TVC models over the resistor models as impedance matching is less of an issue.

Another consideration would be the new Pass B1 buffer preamp. It is a zero gain design with a buffer output that offers all the benefits of a passive but eliminates impedance matching issues. It's listed here on Audiogon for about $875 new IIRC.