Best Solid State for Avalon Isis

I would appreciate informed comments regarding best solid-state synergy with Avalon Isis. I’m looking for an amp that will maintain absolute control of deep bass, while maintaining a rich and dynamic mid-range, and clarity without sacrificing musicality. It should be transparent, and allow a vast and layered soundstage to appear. Although the Isis appear relatively efficient (90db at 4ohm), the paired 13” woofers are going to need an amp with muscle.

Source is a Wadia 9 series. It runs direct. It does not need a pre-amp.

I listen to big, loud, congested orchestral music (ie. Mahler, Bruckner, Wagner). I like to hear all the detail, including the musician's technique and subtle alterations in tempo. Orchestral sections need to have mass. I want to feel the bass at low in addition to high volumes.

My room is 20 x 30 ft, and has plaster walls/ceiling with wood floors and padded area rugs. Tubes are not an option. Because of the room and source, I am not looking for an amp that is artificially fast or tipped toward the higher frequencies.

A company which is solvent, established, reliable, and with good customer support is important, with preference for an American manufacturer. I plan on trying to home demo some of these, but need advice on where to concentrate and expend my efforts.

These are some I'm considering, and additional suggestions are welcome:
Pass Labs XA200.5
Boulder 1050 Monoblocks
Halcro DM78
Spectral DMA 360
Edge NL Sig One
Hovland Stratos

Thank you,
I just heard Isis with the Stratos & Odin

beautifull but a little bit slow for my taste

source was dCS Scarlatti, preamp also Howland
I suspect the amp can make a big difference in how these sound.

The similar Avalons I heard were on a very expensive Boulder amp and sounded quite sweet! I seem to hear this pairing come up often it seems.
Just for the record - I talked to Neil some years back and liked Spectral by that time with his Eclipses.

I'd like to experience the Hovland Stratos and DCS Scarlatti with the Isis. I'd imagine it would be quite special and a different flavor than what I have. If you perceived some excessive slowness, then I wonder whether there is a room or speaker set-up issue at play.