Tube Pre-amp under $1000

Any suggestions on the best tube pre-amp I could get for under $1000 that would match my ATI AT 2000 SS power amp and magnepan MG 12 speakers? I primarily listen to vinyl.
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I second the idea of finding a used Peach. One can roll in some NOS 6DJ8 tubes and have a preamp that can hold its own against far more expensive competition. As TVAD says, its low impedance mode can be used to drive any solid state amplifier that has a low inpput impedance. This is not true of may tube linestages and certainly not the less expensive ones.
I have Maggies and the c-j PV-5 is just the ticket. Has a great phono stage. There's one on the 'Gon right now. No, I'm not the seller.
If you can find one that low
Keep your eyes peeled for an Audioprism Mantissa
It's well worth the search

Ming Da pre amps is another good one

Good Luck