Shindo lab pre amps

Has anyone heard or compared the Shindo Voshne Romanee or Masseto to better pre amps like the Art2 or 3, Lamm L2, Ref3,Vtl 7.5 or any of the better pre amps that may come to mind. I heard the Voshne at CSA audio and was very impressed but had nothing with which to compare it, but it was very musical sounding and the one of the salesmen even said tha he sold his Lamm and bought the Masseto after comparing them.
Bnrlaw, the rest of my system consists of a Redpoint/Galibier Turntable, Schroeder Reference and ZYX Univers cartridge. CD player is a Cary 306-200. The VR is going into a pair of Lamm ML2 18 watt monoblocks. I am using Reimer Teton speakers.
I'm surprised to see that you don't use a Shindo amp.
Have you compared one in your system vs. the Lamm's?
No I have not had a chance to compare a Shindo amp with the Lamm's. That is something I would like to do. I just have not had the opportunity.
The look of Shindo is very appealing imo, I'm sure it sounds fantastic with what's been said. Maybe something in my future.
Has anybody had the opportunity to compare the top end Shindo to Wavac or Kondo line--KSL M77/M1000? Are any of these top valve units remote controllable, and have balanced input/outputs? What are their retail prices? Thanks..