NAD C372 Integrated or Bel Canto s300i Integrated

I am interested in the following two integrated amplifiers:

NAD C372 Integrated Amplifier
Bel Canto e.One S300i integrated amplifier

Any thoughts on these two units? Budget is $1000 to $2000. Here is some info about what I am interested in-

1 Enough power for a medium size room- with no amp strain
2 LOW NOISE unit
3 Good tonal balance and a can produce low, mid and high frequencies without bloom, harshness and with smooth midrange.
4 Neutral in presentation of the music (not warm or otherwise adding it’s own sonic signature)
5 Wide soundstage
6 Dynamics, microdynamics and quick transient response
7 Great detail
8 Musical

I will be using a Benchmark DAC with an optical switch between a Rega Apollo as a transport or
Itunes library played through a Slimdevices Squeezebox. Speakers will be 4ohm floorstanders or 6ohm bookshelf of average sensitivity.

I can also use my Benchmark as a preamp, if anyone has any OTHER suggestions for an integrated OR stand alone power amplifier.
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Why not try the Benchmark as the pre for now and just put the investment in a good amp?

I almost went this route recently to go with my Musical Fidelity A3CR amp, which can be had used for well under $1000 and is quite good (Stereophile class A I believe) IMHO, but opted for a tube DAC rather than the Benchmark, in which case I would have gone with the pre model.

Then add a pre-amp upgrade later if you still feel the need.

BEtween the Bel Canto or NAD, I could go either way depending on the rest of the system. In general, and specifically given your criteria, I'd probably tend to lean towards Bel Canto.
Mapman's suggestion is a good one. As long as you don't have analogue sources, the Benchmark should make for a good preamp eliminating the need for an integrated amp. Considering your interest in the Bel Canto S300i integrated amp, the Benchmark into the Bel Canto S300 stereo amp would work well for you and cost you less than buying the integrated amp. Your list of criteria describes the Bel Canto amp quite well in my opinion. I am a Bel Canto dealer though, so feel free to take my opinion or leave it. More than anything, I just wanted to 2nd Mapman's suggestion.
I think with the newer BEnchmark pre-amp DAC model, there are analog line level inputs as well so you could add a phono with outboard phono pre-amp later as well with that model if you were so inclined.

Mapman's suggestion to run the Benchmark into a power amp is a fine idea -- unless you want remote control. I've owned the NAD C372 -- did not keep it long. Had a big, powerful sound, but lacked something in subtlety and musicality. I don't know the Bel Canto. I can suggest one more contender for you to consider -- the Naim Nait 5i. It turns up used on Audiogon fairly regularly. Since buying one, I've had no desire to change amps (and I've been through many, tubes and solid state, integrateds and separates).
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