Anyone using the Transistor Research LabsM 225's

On the grapevine I have heard that these amps are good enough to be the end of the line. Given their reasonable cost - that would be great news. Any comments?
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You sabotaged my attempt to hear the amps out of
sour grapes, it seems.
Tvad (Threads | Answers)

I don't get that statement at all and it's the furthest thing from the truth. Any attempt to hear these amps is a business transaction between you and TRL solely.

I do agree with you that the comparison being planned by Rx8man will be productive, and based on my previous conversations with him about it, am looking forward to it myself. IIRC Grannyring has done some comparisons as well and will be posting what should be quite an informative review. These events combined should definitely provide enough information for others to benefit from.

Keep us posted Rx8man.
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Clio, genuine curiosity question as I have no dog in this hunt, why would TRL send you and email between them and Tvad? Are you affiliated with them somehow or just a customer?