preamp with two adjustable outputs??

Hi, I have a pair of snells which are bi amped. I'm interested in buying a preamp(high-end!) that has two outputs so I can feed the main speakers and the subs from the pre amp there by eliminating the need for a crossover. Suggestions? Joe
A great preamp that can be had for little money is the Aloia 11.01 with Inductive power supply. They do show up and can be had for $900 - $1100.

Has what you are looking for.

If you are saying that there is no way to adjust the crossover frequency at the sub, then you are going to have a problem w/o an external crossover. There will be overlap unless the natural roll-off or low pass frequency of the sub mates with the natural roll-off of the mains. Its possible, but unlikely. Another option would be to use an HT/SSP that has bass management as a pre-amp, OR get a Velodyne SMS that will function as a parametric EQ and RTA to get the bass matched btwn the bottom of the mains and the top of the subs.