Amp and Pre to match Wilson W/P 8 and others

I've bought a used pair of W/P 8s, and have also tentatively booked an AMR CD-77. I also have an eye on the Wadia 781i. Would also like to have a TT later on, but it'll bust my budget right away.

Having said that, my favourite cds are U2's The Joshua Tree, The Matrix soundtrack, Gladiator soundtrack, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Metallica, Dreamtheater, REM etc. My wife though, listens to Diana Krall, Norah Jones, Pink Martini, Fourplay and the like. We're beginning to like the O-Zone Percussion group too.

Given the range of music, what pre and power amps should I be considering? My listening and HT room is around 14'x 26'x 11'. I intend to have a projector and use the Puppies for HT as well.

I come from Malaysia and auditioning here is difficult given the tiny size of market, and I've yet to receive the W/Ps and Cd-77( they're for a new house). However given budget constraints I'm fishing in the used market so I have to act when I find the right items. In other words, I can't get auditions and have to be ready to pull the trigger whenever.

Budget is around 15-20k US
My old system is Krell 300i int. amp, Krell 250cd/2 and Thiel CS2.3s. The bottom end was rock solid, but not much by way of bloom and air. Worse, the metallic sound meant I couldn't listen for more than half hour each time.

For that reason even as I'm told Krell will suit my music, I'm somewhat wary given that previous experience. I was offered Spectral and also Ayre, both will be around the same price. ( KX-R and MX-R vs. DMC30ss and DMA250) The other (cheaper) choice I had in mind was Pass XP-20 and XA100.5/X350.5)

If it comes to these 3 choices, which would suit me the most?
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Tvad, cheaper in my country thats for sure. They're not much more than 25k new, while the Ayre and Spectral are at the very least above 30k. I'm talking relative, but all these equipment are very expensive to me(I'm just an employee/wage-earner)

You say you'd 'take it in a heartbeat'. Do you mean the XA100.5 or the X350.5? Considering the revealing and somewhat unforgiving nature of the WP 8s I was leaning towards the XA.5, but am worried the don't have enough power.

Whats your experience, and may I ask what specific equipment/music do you enjoy?
Daisiu, I currently have the "cheaper" choice with my W/P 8, Pass XP-20 & X350.5,
And the new Ayre KX-R & MX-R is on the way to be the replacement of PASS electronics,
Does it mean that Ayre > Pass Labs, not really, just a matter of teast, I tried Ayre combo several time in distributor showroom, I like the way it present the classic music better.
For live music, or the music you like, I think Pass is on par or better than Ayre.
W/P 8 need a lot of time to break-in, at least 500 hours, especially tweeter,
I can update you in March when Ayre gear are in my house, I can compare both systems under the same condition.
Daisiu, my Ayre KX-R + MX-R come in already, please see me post here to compare them :