Using 2 integrateds to bi-amp?

Maybe this is a really dumb idea (if yes, please tell me why). Would it be possible to connect 2 integrated amps by Y connectors to a single source (e.g., TT or CDP)then use 1 to drive the L & R tweeters and the other to drive the L & R woofers of a 2 way speaker system? I have two integrated amps but don't have $ to go mono-blocks + pre-amp.
Doing it with Y-connectors, as you propose, is possible. However, there will be volume control difficulties, particularly if the amps have different gain.

Doing it with a pre-out and daisy-chaining the amps is also possible, but both of the amps need to have a pre-out and power-in.

If both amps have a pre-out and power-in, here is what you do. Signal goes from source to amp 1, then from pre-out of amp 1 to line-in of amp 2, then from line-out of amp 2 back to the power-in of amp 1. If you only use the pre-out from amp 1 into amp 2 and don't bring the signal back into amp 1, you will not be biamping. The power section of amp 1 will be bypassed and unused when you use its pre-out. You will have pre-amp/power/amp set-up. It will identical to using a single integrated amp, only with the addition of another interconnect.

Passive bi-amping is too much trouble and money for too little improvement in my view. And it sounds like your amps probably don't both have all the ins and outs. Better to have your money in one good amp rather than spread the same funds over two lesser amps. Active biamping is a different story however.
I think it is very feasible if the two integrateds are the same. If not, tweaking would be required, but it would work. You could also try it vertically by by using one integrated per speaker. If your image is centered, I would say the two integrteds are playing at the same level.
S7horton - Sorry I wasn't clear in my original post...unfortunately, I have 2 different "amps". One all tubes, the other an old but refurbished Yamaha R-1000 ss receiver (100 wpc). Horizontal looks to be the way I'll have to go if I try this. I might get an SPL from R Shack to help balancing lows and highs. Take some before "bi-amp" readings off each driver at various volume control levels using a "reference" CD. See what volume knob positions are needed to duplicate those readings with 2 amps in place.
What a lot of effort for what? Unpredictable outcome with clumsy operation. If you think of it as an experiment, mebbe.
