Most resolving solid state amp you've ever heard?

I'm looking for the most resolved power amp possible for my new speakers and would love some input.
I have run through a bunch of very nice tube amps both push-pull and set. I purchased a SS Hovland Radia aboud six months ago and paired with my Audio Aero Capitole MK2se it is nothing short of fantastic!! Very transparent with great speed and control. It is driving a pair of Verity Audio Fidelio's with ease. Sound wonderful at all listening levels, even very low, late at night when a lot on my listening is done.
You've got some heavy hitters here...Solution,FM Acoustics,ect. I would think at this level they better resolve. I know the question gave no dollar ceiling but in the interest of being frugal....10K tops what's the choice?
Btw I have a Accuphase amp that resolves exceedingly well...but it is modified too...$ cost 1500...
I have both Duke's and Miles III, I have used them with YBA pre/pow 400, ML 32/33h, Atmasphere 60W OTL mono's and Spectral 30ss/250. Most resolving of all was and is Spectral combo, ML is dark sounding amp, OTL's are all about midrange, YBA is on the slow side with fantastic timbres, hallographic imaging and natural highs.
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