Spectron Mk II, is it really that good.

I have been researching several of the new “green”, compact high power class “D” amps. It seems that the new version of the Spectron Musician III SE Mk II, is pretty much considered the king of the hill. Having no dealers near buy, I can’t actually listen before buying. My question is, there seem to be lots of happy owners, but are there any current, or former owners who are, were, not happy with the amp, or is it really that good.

FYI: Current amp is a PASS, X-350.5. A monster to move around, hot, cost a fair amount to run, but a wonderful sound.

All comments and opinions welcome.
I an't speak to the specific Spectron model you asked about, but, I have been using Wyred 4 Sound amps for over a year. No matter what I have changed upstream, isolation/vibration devices, they are readily apparent.

I just upgraded my Rayconic 168 to the new 2 box version with outboard tube regulated and stabilized power supply. No problem hearing the improvement a huge power supply makes.

Love them!
Zenieth: I understand the MKII version has been out/available for less than a year. Are you possibly referring to the Musician SE?
Spectron is good amp no question, I own monoblocks but I wonder why there are so many used, almost new units for sale here on Audiogon?
All The Best
Perhaps it is system or speaker dependent or the sound you are looking for but I like my MK2 with V-Cap upgrade (makes it more liquid sounding). The sound is very musical sort of between tubes and SS but with tremedous headroom and tigh solid bass.

I have B&W 803D speakrs that can dip to 2-3 ohms and the Spectron is stable down to 0.1 ohms which really helps....especially if one has electrostatic speakers.

I tried a lot of amps before settling on the Spectron (I like the MK with V-Cap upgrade more) as it works well with my speakers and system. I use a tube preamp and the combination works well for me.

What I didn't use to like were the round black speaker posts that were not suitable for bi-wiring. However they now use a Cardas regular speaker post and it is a welcome change.

I originally purchased a single Musician III SE. I later added a second amp for mono-block operation. As good as a single amp can be, these amps in mono-blocks are in a whole new level. It is often the case that bridging amps does not return double the improvements, or the investment. With the Spectron mono-blocks the performance improvement are quite dramatic.

I recently upgraded the mono-blocks to MK2 status, along with Bybee purifiers upgrades. In my mind, this was a minor upgrade, but I was blown away by how much quieter these amps were after the upgrade. There is more speed, control and finesse. I was told that about 70% of the improvement I'm hearing is due to the Bybee purifiers.

I don't know what the MK2 without the Bybee purifiers sound like, but with them installed I very, very highly recommend these mono-blocks.

