Thanks for your response. I actually read your review and thought it very helpful and enlightening. However didn't you say that after a while you found yourself listening less and less with the G3 in your system?
I've been down that road myself, and it's usually a sign that the system is not emotionally involving enough to keep us sufficiently interested. Nothing worse than not listening.
I'm looking for an integrated that while having the major strengths of good soundstaging, focus, detail etc, also has an organic sound that draws you in. I've heard Naim products described this way, and am seriously considering either a Nait 5i-2 or the new XS. It's just that after reading both your review and John Brazier's on Positive Feedback, the Edge seemed like a good candidate.
Thanks again for your comments and help.
Thanks for your response. I actually read your review and thought it very helpful and enlightening. However didn't you say that after a while you found yourself listening less and less with the G3 in your system?
I've been down that road myself, and it's usually a sign that the system is not emotionally involving enough to keep us sufficiently interested. Nothing worse than not listening.
I'm looking for an integrated that while having the major strengths of good soundstaging, focus, detail etc, also has an organic sound that draws you in. I've heard Naim products described this way, and am seriously considering either a Nait 5i-2 or the new XS. It's just that after reading both your review and John Brazier's on Positive Feedback, the Edge seemed like a good candidate.
Thanks again for your comments and help.