Class D question...............

Do you consider class D amps neutral or sweet sounding???
Douglas_schroeder...And what is the character of a SET? (Please keep it clean).
SET's are high strung little things, like Chihuahua. They look so harmless, but they can nip at your ear lobes! Little amps think they are big amps. You put one next to a Class D and it thinks it's the same. It will not back down, even though Class D is so much bigger! In it's mind it is huge!

SET's require less exercise. They are "lap dogs"; let them sit around and look pretty, but let them know who's boss! They are very protective of their owner. You must keep them in line when guests come. The owner must train them by putting them on a leash. Have guests enter the listening room several times. Yank the leash and tell the SET "Shhhh!" It will obey if you are calm and assertive.

I am the Amp Whisperer!

Martin Collums is one of few who had the balls to correctly call these amps out,it makes no difference if you dont read the mag or not.
Coffeey, your stalwart apology of the 'ancient regime' is most commendable. As for Mr. Colloms, my recommendation is for him to have his ear canals pressure washed at his earliest convenience. After the treatment he may experience significantly reduced "wide frequency range noise, both correlated and de-correlated." The relatively painless medical procedure should also enable him to evaluate class D amps significantly more representative of the state of the art than the cute little Flying Mole, lest he fires his next scaving broadside based on insufficient data.