Class D question...............

Do you consider class D amps neutral or sweet sounding???
Martin Collums is one of few who had the balls to correctly call these amps out,it makes no difference if you dont read the mag or not.
Coffeey, your stalwart apology of the 'ancient regime' is most commendable. As for Mr. Colloms, my recommendation is for him to have his ear canals pressure washed at his earliest convenience. After the treatment he may experience significantly reduced "wide frequency range noise, both correlated and de-correlated." The relatively painless medical procedure should also enable him to evaluate class D amps significantly more representative of the state of the art than the cute little Flying Mole, lest he fires his next scaving broadside based on insufficient data.
I really dont care what Martin Collums you are anyone else thinks about class D its my ears and money. And i will also say this to you Coffeey i have heard numerous other than D amps in systems that sound like crap. I really dont understand how you could care what others like or not like. Get a life listen to your system and enjoy it i promise i wont knock it. If you like it great thats all that matters.

On reviews more than enough are positive on D amps like Decs TAS. Do a web search, you have it right with Martin one of the few very few.

I think Gvickerschtick started this thread for users of older technology, not so old and new class D amps to share there thoughts on whether there systems sound natural or sweet with class d amps. How about staying on the subject.

As for my class D amps i would say they are on the natural side but sound sweet and clear with all of the power and speed needed for enjoyable long music sessions. On thing is for sure if the source components are not up to it along with your choice of wire you may not get a true picture of how well these amps power your favorite music. Its true if you put trash in you will get trash out. Like everything else in this hobby and all else some things are not for all. I advise anyone to audition gear before you buy. Variety is the spice of life.
Keep in mind Coffeey is using an amp that's almost 20 years old and probably shares time with a Bose Waveradio.

Got an Edsel in the garage?