Amp for Verity Parsifal encore

I just got a pair of used mint Verity Parsifal Encores. One of the last pairs made before the Ovations. I am driving them with my Belles amp and preamp which are very impressive. I am starting my homework for upgrades of my phono, pre and power amp. I am also looking at simplifing my system, reducing wires and components to just CD player and Turntable. I also just got a new Naim CDX2 as a cdp upgrade. I am considering strongly the Aesthetix Janus stock or signature as full function pre, possible atlas power amp. I have heard the Nagra PSA with the Parsifal ovations and was very impressed. I am not in a big hurry and am only looking for others thoughts and comments that I will investigate. Thanks.
I still love my PE's with Aleph 2s via Aleph P, Nordost SPM from Electrocompaniet EMC1-UP. Totally natural.
I have tried two combinations with the Parsifal, one with Wavac MD-805m as power amp and the other one with Bryston power amp and valve pre.

Very different sounds, equally appealing.


Does anyone have an opinion on the EAR 899 integrated with the P/E? I've heard the P/E with EAR separates and the combination was amazing.

Thanks. b
Not sure of the exact model of EAR INT, but the EAR setup I heard at the dealer was one of the most memorable ones. We tried 2 other pairings from different manufacturers but those were not as lively and realistic sounding as with the EAR's. The speakers just disappeared, strings in particular were just amazing and the bass was fast and deep.
On another option, I would be curious to try the Parsifals with the Mastersound class A variety.
I am not sure about the power of the 899 Integrated, but the P/E's are no SET speaker. I can guarantee that. The monitor itself is a fairly easy load. I played just the monitor with a 60 watt OTL. However, it could not control the bass when played with the full P/E setup. I tried an Art Audio Jota, the version w/ 20 watts. Honestly, not even close to enough power, regardless of how loud, size of room.... If that EAR integrated is not a solid 50-60 watts, I would have my doubts if it were enough for the P/E's. Great speaker though, and certainly worth your efforts. I do think the P/E's like at least 50-60 tube watts.