New Linn Majik-i or Naim Nait 5i with Linn Ninkas

Hi all, I'm looking to upgrade my current system which consists of Linn Ninka speakers with a Rotel RA-1062 and Sony DVP-NS9100ES.

I hear great things about the Naim Nait 5i, but not much about the new Linn Majik-I integrated. I would like to stick with an integrated for now. Has anyone heard both?

I'm interested in the Majik-I because it can be expanded with another 2 channel amp to drive my Linn speakers in an active mode which Linn people swear by. It's also a higher price point (doesn't necessarily mean anything) so you would think it would be a performance step above the Nait.

I'm also wondering if anyone can compare the Majik-I to the Majik seperate pre- and power amps. I understand that the integrated is based on these seperates but there must be some shortcuts somewhere.

Thanks for any inputs!
Im my opinion the Naim Nait5i is an outstanding bargain.
The cohesiveness from top to bottom is truly outstanding in this price range in SS integrated's. I did own Linn gear before but I have been converted to the Naim.
I am personally using the Nait5i with Totem The One, along with a Transporter as my source in my Living Room setup.
Good luck,
Dpitone is right IMO. The Ninkas are listed as 4 ohm in passive mode which usually means 2 8 ohm mid woofers wired in parallel. In active you drive them with different amps so you see an easier load. The woofers are listed as 8 ohms in active to be clear in case you don't have the owners manual. Trying to drive a 4 ohm load with impedance drops to what 2.5 ohms (who knows as Linn doesn't say) requires an amp that at least comes close to doubling power output at 4 ohms IMHO. I doubt the worthy Magik does that. I tried a Pass Labs amp with Ninkas and they really drove them better than Linn gear did. Again this is my opinion after looking at what info is supplied by Linn and a bit of experimentation. They can sound pretty good once you power them right.
I am surprised at the responses your getting, I recently purchased a pair of used Ninkas and I am driving them with a Thule IA100, only a $1,500 fine. Keep in mind the Ninka @90 db's is not sensitive( i.e. easy to drive) I don't see why the Majik-I would not work. I am also considering this now that I am in the Linn line. Unless you really don't like the speakers, I would match within the Linn line and forget the Naim. I have heard an ALL Linn system before and they are designed to work together. Also, Naim does the same thing!!! Naim gear mixed with other non-Naim gear and you lose a lot. Naim is also not cheap. Let me know what you do I am curious as to your experience. I like the Linn sound personally, Pitch accurate and very clean.