Is there life after a KXR? Help

I finally found the ultimate preamp. My own version of audio nirvana. The Ayre KXR. The trouble is I can't afford to keep it. So now I have to find a worthy successor. I'm especially interested in a tubed pre. If it has a great phono stage that's a huge advantage but not required. The rest of my system are Ayre MXRs, and Aerial 20t speakers. I've owned (and liked) an Ayre K-1xe, Levinson 380s, and I've tried using a Wadia system and forgoing the preamp altogether. I intend to buy something used. $10,000 is the top of my budget but I could eek out a tad more if I had to.
Since you mentioned tubes you might want to look into the Aesthetix Signature Calypso. Even new its coming in at about 70% of your budget and it definitely is compatible with solid state amplification.
...information about K1xemp preamp. The sound from this pre can be made even better ....cleaner, clearer, wider sound stage, better bass, silkier highs by using it on Cardas blocks, having a rock on top (here in Arizona, there are dry river beds with smooth stones - I have one about 3 or 4 pounds on the K1, and another on the power supply)....also a bit heavier rock works wonders on the V1xe amp), and never use Cardas manufactured (includes Ayre's own ) cables. least you can pick up a KXR, now, for $12k or under. What a difference a few years make.