Ayon Triton Integrated or Keep my BAT?

Hello All-

Anyone have experience with the Ayon Triton Integrated Amp?


I'm considering upgrading my BAT VK-300SE and this integrated looks pretty interesting. Not much chatter here on the unit but there were favorable comments coming out of RMAF. My BAT is currently driving Dali MS4s and my souces are a Modwright Transporter and a Basis 2500 Signature TT (Vector3/Shelter 90x/GNSC-EAR 834P). Audience AU24e all around. So what say you A'goners?

Cbd0815: I should have bought your vk52se. seriously, I regret it...then upgraded it to REX when I could...that's after my experiments...
Cbd0815: Sorry I missed your id !

I should have bought your vk52se. seriously, I regret it...then upgraded it to REX when I could...that's after my experiments...
I think I saw a black vk52se hit the site the other day. I'm sure you'll have many more opportunities this year Jfrech. I'll be doing a Ayon Triton versus BAT Vk300x SE shootout later this month. I'll have both units in my system by 1/23 and I'll post findings.
I have been totally impressed and blown away by the Ayon Triton in relation to the depth of soundstaging and detail. I never owned tubes before and now ask myself why I waited sooooo long. The Ayon CD-1 is my main 2-channel CD player paired with B&W 802D speakers. I have tried both the Pentode & Triode modes and agree with Paul at USA Tube Audio that Triode is it. That's where the amp shines and performs best. Pentode puts out more watts but the sound is too bright and shallow & doesn't have the soundstaging depth that I want. I kept the shipping box in my spare room thinking that I'd be shipping the amp back before the trial period ended but found that it was not necessary. I have NO regrets for the investment & choice. The construction and looks are top drawer and a work of art. I can now hear Chris Botti filling his lungs up with air between trumpet passages that I never picked up before. Enjoy!!! Don't hold back because of the amps output rating as it is all Class A and will deliver as I have found out even in the bottom spectrum...Mike
I purchased my Ayon Triton in October 08 and I own the Escalante Design Freemont speakers. WOW! The Triton amplifier is for sure the best amplifier I have ever owned and I have owned some heavy hitters, all tube gear of course. I upgraded from the Spirit model and it is incredible, a beast of a unit, dynamic impressive soundstage that will blow you away. Transparent & three dimensional. You can use the Triton in Triode mode or Pentode mode, Pentode mode with my Freemonts is absoulutely incredible, tight accurate fast bass, fluid mids & the highs are super smooth & sweet. The Triton is worth the money. If you can afford it buy it.
:) J