Conrad-Johnson Premier 3 - worth repairing?

I have a Conrad-Johnson Premier 3 pre-amp that I no longer need. Physically, it's in great condition. I recently replaced all tubes, but the left channel is dead and I'm not savvy enough to fix it myself. I live in easy driving distance to Conrad Johnson's HQ, so I could drop it off for repair. Do you think it's worth investing in the repair and then selling it (either here or on eBay)?
(From original poster) Thanks to all for your advice. I'll call CJ this week and try to get an idea of the repair cost before making a decision.
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You could also have it looked at by Bill Thalmann of Music Technology in Springfield, Va. He is the former chief technician of conrad-johnson and does super work. He certainly would know the Premier 3 inside and out.
Hello there. Do you still have Conrad Johnson Premier 3 preamp?

Let me know either way.
Thank you,
Could you update us on what has taken place?

I have very fond memories of that was iconic...I loved it's voicing.
