Looking for a small bedroom amp

I'm looking for a small stereo amplifier for use in a bedroom system. Hoping the many eyes and ears of A'gon folks can point me in the right direction! Here are my requirements:

1. It must be physically small. Full 17" component width is too large.
2. It must not be an integrated amp. I have a pre-amp and intend to use it.
3. It doesn't need to be powerful - 9 wpc minimum. Tube or SS is fine.
4. It must be made in US, Canada, or Europe.
5. It must cost less than $1200 brand new.

The Parasound Zamp v3 and the Stello S100 both meet all my requirements except for number 4. Link to info if you're not familiar with those two models:


Thank you for your inputs!!

One of the T-amps?
I know it doesn't cost enough, but fill the rest of your requirements.
PS Audio Trio series amps are pretty cool if you are looking new. If used I would go for the Linn LK-85. I had one of them and really liked it, it just plain sounded right. Good luck.
Take a look at the Glow amp.Very small and sounded really good in my system. Allows for headphone and usb connections.
Monarchy Audio SM-70 or SM-70 Pro. Really great sounding class-A solid state amps, made in the good ol' USA. Used price is typically $300-$450 (depending on model SM-70 or SM-70 Pro).

The Monarchys do run hot (like any class-A amp), so they need a bit of breathing room.

Also, the Monarchys are pretty popular, so you can buy one, try it and easily re-sell it if you don't love it. I've owned a pair of them twice and both times re-sold them within a day or two for the same price I paid.
