binding post break in

yesterday I replaced my binding posts on my rogue audio m150 monos with the highly regarded wbt nextgen copper binding posts and yes there was more detail,but it was also thin and not as harmonic and rich, and not as open sounding as before. I have been listening to the wonderfull sounding kenny burrell guitar forms latey and have really liked how it sounded on my system,but after I put in the wbts his guitar sounded strummy and hooded , the higher strings sounded thinner and the middle and lower strings sounded sucked out . well crap. is this another case of [ it needs 256 and a half hours of break in and then it will sound great!] or what? has anybody out there had any experience with these binding posts ? I am very good at soldering so i dont think that a bad joint is the reason I am hearing what I do, any ideas ? is there a richer sounding binding post with some body and still very good low level detail ? or will they really change that much with some break in ? thanks , chris
Binding post break in?


You guys can all laugh...but my local S&M club takes this very seriously. If you ever got badly chaffed wrists then it is no laughing matter!!!
You guys can all laugh...but my local S&M club takes this very seriously. If you ever got badly chaffed wrists then it is no laughing matter!!!

See the thread about contact treatments. Maybe the Walker stuff would be helpful!

-- Al :)
Im starting to think that bad solder joints have to be what I am hearing, the solder is inside the folded binding post so there is no way to really tell. maybe because the folded metal acted as a heatsink and the solder did not get hot enough. crap....
Unlikely it's a bad solder joint if you crimped the wire in the connector IMO. If you have a solid mechanical connection between the post and wire then the connection isn't the problem. I would argue that if a solid connection is made via a good crimp, soldering the connection isn't necessary for signal transfer. The solder is used more as a binding agent to maintain a solid connection.
The problem, as I understand your description, is just a change in tone. If that's the case your problem doesn't sound like a defective solder joint. Unfortunately I don't have any other suggestion.
ok naysayers, things are getting interesting, the sound of my stereo has improved greatly. Now the wbt binding posts sound very transparent and open, some of the body has returned, but with more resolution than before. if it is not the new solder joint and binding posts breaking in , what could it be? I will put even more hours on the amps and post again later, chris