Yeah - be careful - if you are looking for or expecting to hear something then
you often do - our mind plays tricks but its worse our hearing can even play
REAL tricks. There is a little known (at least to audiophiles) muscle in the ear
that probably has the purpose of helping us escape predators or danger. This
muscle tightens in the ear when we concentrate on sound or we are stressed and
it allows us to better hear the mid range frequencies at the expense of the bass
response. A few people can voluntarily control this muscle or have trained
themselves to do so. Many people do not know when it activates or de-activates
but concentration on sound will usually trigger it involuntarily.
Anyway, I simply point this out because people are so eager to jump to
conclusions that have no scientific explanation whilst they may be too quick to
overlook the most obvious ...our own hearing or minute changes in listening
position (a few inches can matter)!
you often do - our mind plays tricks but its worse our hearing can even play
REAL tricks. There is a little known (at least to audiophiles) muscle in the ear
that probably has the purpose of helping us escape predators or danger. This
muscle tightens in the ear when we concentrate on sound or we are stressed and
it allows us to better hear the mid range frequencies at the expense of the bass
response. A few people can voluntarily control this muscle or have trained
themselves to do so. Many people do not know when it activates or de-activates
but concentration on sound will usually trigger it involuntarily.
Anyway, I simply point this out because people are so eager to jump to
conclusions that have no scientific explanation whilst they may be too quick to
overlook the most obvious ...our own hearing or minute changes in listening
position (a few inches can matter)!