How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?

I am so excited about all the reviews of various digital amps out there. I just know this is the future of audio because the value is just too irresistable.

But, there are so many companies out there: PS Audio, Bel Canto, NeForce, Wyred, Spectron, etc just to name a few. To compound the issue(s), the modding companies like Cullen Circuits are upgrading and modifying digital amps. So are there differences between these companies products' sound or does digital equipment sound homogenous? Where does the biggest "bang-for-the-buck" lie when it comes to digital amps? Has anyone directly compared any of these digital amps to each other?
Mapman, unfortunately, unlike with Concerto, JRDG has not yet made an amp-only of the Continuum series. There exists the 312, which is a more complex amp only, based on the same ASP1000, and the 501 monos, which contain the same boards in the Continuum 500, minus the PFC circuit, minus the additional network of bulk capacitors, minus the Capri linestage boards.

501 monos + a pair of PC1 PFC devices should yield a sound similar to the Continuum if perhaps with slightly less authority, but perhaps with even greater channel separation. Bear in mind that C500's PFC circuit is a single 1500w device, while PC1 is a 750W device, hence you need 2 of them for the 501s.

Hope this helps, G.
Guido, yes, thanks.

By the time I'm ready to jump, I'm sure there will be many new and improved offerings out there.
Guidocorona, I was referring to the attached digital power supply, as stated. The module is analog, as stated.
Apologies Mural. . . I do not know where is the 'attached digital' power supply and to what device you are referring.
I think that people are confusing swithcing with digital. There's nothing digital about a Class D amp.