need help on transparent sounding 12au7 tubes


I'm currently using NOS RCA clear top 12au7 in my Audio Valve Eklipse preamp. Looking for a 12au7 that's more transparent, detailed, maybe higher resolution to try with this preamp. Not looking for a tubey sound. Thanks.
A true West German Telefunken may be what you are looking for. (Careful as there are many East German Telefunken look a likes). You might try Andy Bouman at Vintage Tube Services. Before I would do that, however, and if you have not already done so, consider carefully cleaning the pins on your RCA's, such that the copper shines. This I find can be rather tedious, but will make for a very audible difference. We tend to be so fastidious about our other connections and this rather important contact is frequently overlooked. Using copper cleaner applied with a Q-tip may help.