Vaipe : I do like the system, it’s very fast, punchy, with a huge sound stage. But something is missing, it’s not refined. Reading the reviews, I think I’ll have everything that gamut delivers plus a sweet refined sound.
< In reference to essence of post.
As I have found, with a good pre-amp, you will preserve the transparency and transient performance you had/liked, but with an improved sense of pace and timing, as well, more heft (body, weight, organic) feel to instruments.
Also, most noticeable will be a more developed (width, depth, height) and organized soundstage, with better delineation of individual instruments being fleshed out into their own separate living entity (space), yet more seamless/continuous both at the same time.
Overall, resulting in a much more relaxed (refined) and involving (3D, live) listening experience. And to me, it's like finally the music had found 'SOUL'! Just an addendum to my previous post.. Good luck, and have some fun while at it anyway!