New amp or new cd player?

With which will i see a bigger improvement in my sound. I have a Mcintosh MA6450 integrated, Gallo 3.1 speakers, and an onkyo dv-sp404 dvd/cd player. Monster interconnects, and transparent music wave speaker cable.

Obviously my weakest link is the onkyo dvd player as a cd player. I was thinking about upgrading it to a naim cd 5i or classe cdp-102. However, I also know that my amp could be more powerful as it is 100wpc into 4ohms, but only 50/75? wpc in to my 8ohm gallo 3.1's.

My question is.. with which change will i see a greater improvemt? In my currently living sitatuon, the mcintosh easily powers my speakers louder than i can play them for an extended amount of time, but will more power equate to more bass? I was thinking about the Classe cap-2100, but will this result in more bass, and better imaging/soundstage/etc, or simply the ability to play louder, which i dont really need.

As for the cd player, I have a hard time believing a cd player can make THAT big of a difference (I am new to this high end audio stuff), although I know they must because all I have read on here and other places around the internet. Although I have also read that a decent cdp used as a transport, and a dac such as the bel canto dac 2, sound nearly as good as some of the very good cd players out there.

So.. long story short.. would i see a bigger improvement if i keep the onkyo as my cdp, and upgrade the amp, or if i keep the mac 6450 and upgrade the cdp?

I owned a 6450 for about 1 year. I would suggest some other upgrades to bring your system to a similar component level. While you are doing this get out and listen to some other brands and some tube amps too.

The 6450 is good, better for me IMO than the 6300 because it has nice controls to fill in if the CD is flat or if you want a little more body.

I think you will have to spend an additional 1k on an amp after you sell the 6450 to make much difference and perhaps $500 on a cd player, maybe an Apollo or something. Can you be more specific about what you want to hear differently in your system?

Perhaps this is a little too abstract of a description but I feel like right now my system sounds very good (this is my first endeavor into high end audio), but there is nothing amazing about it. I guess I would like a deeper soundstage, and more of a three dimensioanl feeling to the sound. When I auditioned the gallo's they were being powered by a marantz reference amp, and they sounded more spectacular, atleast in the highs. Honestly, I prefer the balance of the sound with my 6450 over the marantz, but the soundstage and imaging were better with the marantz..There was more space and air with the marantz Maybe this was the room?

What do you think of picking up a classe cap-2100 here on audiogon to replace the mac? I like the look of the mac alot, and I would rather try other things before switching the amp, but Ive heard very good things about the cap-2100. I have heard the cap2100 with b&w 805s and really like it, but i guess Id have to do a direct comparison with it and my mac to see if thats the difference im looking for.

I also like the bass/treble controls on the 6450. I havent ever had to use the treble control yet, but I do like using the bass control to thicken up thin sounding cds or adding extra bass punch in certain songs. I also like the 6450 because it is not as big as all the current macs. It seems the new ones are massive when they dont need to be. Their amps are way bigger than pretty much everyone elses.

As for now, I have new IC's on the way and I will probably update the cdp before changing out the mac.
Do one thing at a time. Put the new ICs in and give them at least 50 hours to run in before evaluating again. Otherwise, if you do a bunch of changes simultaneously, you may just get a mish-mash that still lacks synergy.

Instead of buying another CD player, look into getting a good DAC--a Lavry A10, Benchmark DAC-1, etc. A couple days ago I got an email from Audio Advisor offering the PS Audio Digital Link III on sale at $699, but they haven't updated the web page to corroborate that yet.

Taking ‘very good’ to excellent will take a bit more than either an amp or a source.

Given money matters, think carefully here as to which path you choose to follow. Just CDP…. CDP + DAC…. Or ….PC + DAC…

In each case the DAC, either on board or as a separate box, is the key item.

Putting $1000 > $2000 into a one box solution (CDP only), should be an improvement. Especially if it offers versatility and performance, as in a multi format modded player such as a Mod Right Denon 3910 fully loaded… and there are some for sale here now.

Were I to look now for a player, it would need to be multi format. Performance levels have risen dramatically, and it’s cost effective.

So there’s $2K wrapped up in a one disc at a time any disc player.

Apogee, Benchmark, Lavry, or BC DAC 3, amongst others, will bare more flexibility as they will encompass more digital front end sources and gain you still better overall performance.

If you’re eventually going to PC based, way more variety and ease… once done properly.

Consequently, if the CDP one box fix is the thought here and now, and the PC idea is laid to rest on the back burner… you will almost double your investment in the longer run to accomplish adding PC source playback to your options by spending greatly on just a CDP now.

That’s what I did. CDP first…. Then DAC & PC.

In hindsight, I’d have been better off to get myself a great DAC (USB or not), with outstanding jitter control, and gone on from there…. Given the performance level I see now from just such a purchase.

Once the source and cabling are elevated, the down stream items can be reassessed as needs/desires may be in due course…. Or not at all.

Seldom will one move (acquisition) in a system raise the overall performance level to such a state no other parts of it need addressing. Unless of course one’s system is at the very brink of outstanding performance already, yet it is found to be lacking in only one area.

Naturally, each of us makes the aforementioned call…. Or our family and/or wallet intervene to do so for us.

Making additions I think should be those with lasting effect, certain gain, and afford you as much flexibility as possible for current and upcoming affairs.

If a DAC is to be added later on, a source with the best drive should be the thinking I suppose as that’s about all it’ll be doing so it ought to do that exceptionally well. A DAC will definitely change the sound of what ever CDP is attached to it. A thought for one also should limit the investment into a CDP as well.

Getting a DAC which can thereafter be enhanced or receive physical modifications is all the better as you will be able to keep up with the tech changes digital has been experiencing in recent years and will continue to obtain.
Yes a fully tricked out Denon 3910 is a serious contender.I have one with the latest propreitary technology and it's as good as it gets.The internal DAC will rival some of the best available.