A few questions and comments:
Besides what has been mentioned, it could also conceivably be due to interference from something in an adjacent room, defective fluorescent lighting fixtures, or who knows what. What kind of an antenna are you using? Did you try re-orienting it? Does the noise level go down in mono mode, assuming you have a mono switch on the preamp? Is the noise level independent of signal strength (i.e., the same on distant or local stations)?
Also, I assume you are referring to FM tuners, not AM -- correct me if that is not the case.
-- Al
Besides what has been mentioned, it could also conceivably be due to interference from something in an adjacent room, defective fluorescent lighting fixtures, or who knows what. What kind of an antenna are you using? Did you try re-orienting it? Does the noise level go down in mono mode, assuming you have a mono switch on the preamp? Is the noise level independent of signal strength (i.e., the same on distant or local stations)?
Also, I assume you are referring to FM tuners, not AM -- correct me if that is not the case.
-- Al