McIntosh C220 C2200 C2300 differences?

I am thinking of getting a Mac preamp to match my SS amp (an upgraded McCormack, perhaps a Mac MC275 down the road). Looking at the C220 and C2200 primarily. What are the sonic differences between these two? What about the C2300? A dealer nearby has a demo unit he would sell for $4600, but I don't know if it is worth nearly the 2x cost. I don't listen to vinyl
You can see the specs for the C220 on McIntosh's site plus I haven't heard this unit.

I have heard the C2200 and C2300 though and bought the C2300. The C2300 is an update to the C2200 and uses a R-core transfomer which produces less noise and hum. It also has some other upgraded parts inside. I preferred the sound of the C2300 with my SS amp and bought it used with 300 hours on it. Nice preamp although I did tube roll the Chinese made stock line stage tube pair.

What were the sonic differences between the 2200 and 2300? Enough to justify $1800 for someone on a budget? Or were they very close?
Check the McIntosh forum over at Many of the posters are given to hyperbole but there's some good information there for McIntosh fans.