That you're asking for advice for alternatives without giving us any clue as to what you thought of the sound with your Jolida makes your post most unhelpful. Very common on this site and very frustrating for those who would really like to help.
That said, I had the 5.3s for many years and found that the two midwoofs working in tandem could cause bass/lower mid problems in some rooms if not controlled. If you experienced anything like this I'd recommend something like a Bryston integrated as I find their amps do a great job in that department, and I think that characteristic along with their excellent imaging capabilities and crystal clear treble would also work synergistically with the 5.3s. Of course, not knowing anything about what you're looking for makes this a complete shot in the dark and quite possibly a complete waste of my and your time.
Apparently the original designer of the speaker (Phil Jones I think) was in an accident before the speaker was finished and Dennis Had (of Cary) finished the crossover design, so if you're looking tubes I'd second exploring the Cary route.
Best of luck.