2k budget for Amp

With a budget of ~2k for a new or used amp to power Spendor S8e any suggestions of what I should be checking out?

Is it important to find a class A amp?
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I have an "extra" FET-Valve 550 hybrid amp, just didn't realize it ran class A for the first 20 watts??

It is a nice sounding amp though it has been modified and the RCA inputs have been changed to balanced inputs.

It sounds lovely and airy......
Agree Hanamike/Jaymark.With tubes as front end in Integrated you get both that's why Unison Unico and Pathos Classic Mk II are great amps.Get bass control and "bloom" and warmth from tubes.I go all tubes but I use horn speakers and do mainly jazz.But a ss power amp and tubes on top would be a good choice just not sure again what pre your using.
Jaymark - Yes! First 20 are class A. Perhaps that's why it sounds so terrific (smooth). First 10 are Class A in the 350, which is why I recommend the 550. Maybe don't need 250+ watts, but 20 Class A watts are well appreciated.
Class A vs. Class A/B and on a budget.

Is getting the full 360 on the sine wave really worth the loss of efficiency and low power? Most amps are push pull, but seeking that audio high, is it worth tracking down class A?

What about solid state class A, does smoothness or do you need to take the plunge into tubes?