Are There Any Good, High Power Solid State Amps?

I feel like I'm running low on power with my current 100 watt tube amp, so I'm looking for suggestions. I'd like to try solid state, but I want an amp with an airy, rich tonality. I've been thinking either Pass (love the XA series, but I'm afraid it won't be enough power) Pass X, Krell, Clayton, etc. Can you make any suggestions (new or used somewhere in the $5K - $10k range)?
Thanks in advance.
You have a good suggestion (although an expensive one...even for used) with the Ayre's. Heard them at CES '08, driving a pair of the big TAD's... Holy maceral, they were great!!
Great, great suggestion. I've heard those amps (although it's been awhile ago). I'll have to rethink all over ago now :-)
I think the Clayton M300 would be more suitable, as I'm pusing 100 watts now, and sometimes it runs low on steam.