Quicksilver Mid Monos vs AES Sixpacs

Anybody done this comparison? I am considering both on my amp search, both are very similar in cost, architecture, reliability and so forth, but which sounds better? My speakers are Chapman T-6's(89db 4ohm but pretty benign impedance curve)Thanks
Thanks for your responses guy's....I can't believe that no one has done a direct comparison of these two popular amps?
I think your best bet would be to read the individual reviews for each piece and then go and try to listen to them. There aren't that many AES dealers (Upscale Audio and Audio Connection)and I've never looked into the Quicksilver gear (though it looks mighty nice). I seem to remember seeing at least 1 Quicksilver piece along with the Six Pacs in the listening room at Audio Connection. John Rutan might be able to give you some more info.
Since I am buying used I really think it is inappropriate to go in for a listening session in a brick and mortar store if I am not going to buy. It would be my best bet, alas I have to go with opinions on Agon!

I own the AES Sixpacs. They are great amps and sound fantastic with my 8 ohm + speakers, but I have found that they lose dynamics and transient attack on lower impedance speakers.

I haven't heard a Chapman, but these are built like tanks, and sound excellent when driven within their limits. Depending on that impedance curve though, I might recommend a high current SS amp.
Can I edit that? I meant to address that to "Sean"... Not sure where I got that "chapman" from...