Disturbing "Sonic Trend" showing up on SOTA audio

Exaggerated high frequencies and etch = "details"

Biting unnatural attacks = "fast transient response"

Unnaturally dry bass = "taut" and “tight”

This is what I hear at shows, homes, and stores, over the last several years!

Have "new" audiophiles lost their way, in relation to what "natural sound" of "non-amplified acoustic" music sounds like?

This "type" of sound is increasingly selling as current "State of Art".

Audio has more BS, and nonsense, than any hobby that I know of!

And as "Crazy" becomes acceptable, it drives more "Crazy".

I have been in this hobby since the 70's and heard it all.

Maybe those that kept their older systems, and got off the "marry-go-round", of latest and most expensive is best, are the most intelligent!
Schubert, my speakers are Clearwave Duet 6 monitors. When I first got them I thought there was something wrong with them as the highs weren't as pronounced as I was used to. It took some experimenting with placement and cabling but now it's pretty much sorted out.

When in the midst of all of this I called the designer, Jed, and he told me that he dialed everything in to be as flat as possible and that what I was used to hearing was an exaggerated high end response. Now that I've acclimated to them, they sound every so involving and right. They look a lot like a pair of Marten Duke 2 monitors.

All the best,