Heard McIntosh 275 For The First Time.

One of my friend was kind enough to loan me a Mcintosh 275 amp yesterday and that had given me the opportunity to benchmark the tube amp with my solid-state amp for the very first time in my own system. I had high expectations on the unit after reading mostly good comments here from current owners, and I have not left disappointed.

When the amp was unboxed, I was shocked to notice that it weighed like an elephant given its small size, and I found difficulty in carrying the amp and putting it into place. I felt that my Plinius SA-100Mk3 amp although a much larger looking beast, was much easier to handle with the presence of two handles at the front and rear of the amp.

The Mcintosh had all stock tubes and I was informed the amp was a Mark 4(serial number VN1956). The markings on the side panel where the power socket lies had worn off a little. I was told that this is normal as when carrying the amp, the hand would grip on the side panels causing the text to wear off. Does any 275 owners experience the same thing?

When the amp was powered up for the first time, I wasn't too impressed as the sonic signature was more or less similar to my Plinius SA-100Mk3. The amp was hooked up to an ARC LS-16 preamp driving PMC LB1 Signature speakers(I'll try it on my other Proac speakers when I have some time later). After several listening sessions, I began to appreciate the finer qualities of the 275. The first thing that grabbed me was the bass. It was much fuller, tauter and went deeper, in fact too much of it that I needed to lower down the volume and crossover point on the subwoofer. The bass quality of the 275 was at a higher level and as such the integration between the main speakers and sub is now more seamless.

The next notable improvement was on vocals. All I read about the smoothness of tube amps had proven to be accurate. Harshness and digital edge on vocals were eliminated as voices took an organic feel which was pleasant to the ears. Apart from this improvement, I felt that control and refinement of the 275 were superior to the Plinius amp as the overall sound was presented in an unforced and natural manner. The sound of instruments in the background was also more distinct and precise.

Overall I am quite satisfied with the performance of the Mcintosh and find it to be an excellent unit. I read that the amp will take a whole new level if the stock tubes are replaced to high quality tubes (although I'm not too convinced of getting a significant improvement). Now I am having a dilemma whether to consider getting this 275 as I still love the sound of my Plinius amp. No doubt the Mcintosh offers a higher level of performance with a wee bit of control and refinement that are synonymous with most higher-end units, but the Plinius comes quite close. I think I would have to listen to the amp a little longer and decide if it should end up permanently on my hifi rack, a difficult decision I would say. Nevertheless, one thing is for certain. The Mcintosh 275 is a great unit that has opened up the door of many possibilities by giving me a taste of high-end.
Welcome to Mac World.
Yes the 275 is hefty, but unless you going to use it as a boat anchor or move it around the house all the time, you shouldn't worry about its weight. Yes, with frequent handling, one can manage to rub off the print on the chassis. Reasonable care is obviously advised.
As mentioned in numerous threads here, one can improve on the sound by 'rolling' the stock tubes, especially the small signal tubes. Do some research here and on the 'Asylum.
Many people who come from solid state to tubes find the latter addictive and end up listening more to the music rather than the equipment.
i've had an mc275(mk2) for nearly fifteen years and love it, but i can't honestly say that its any better, or 'that' different than your sa100. the rubbed off lettering means that the amp has really been around. reasonable handling will keep that lettering intact for decades.
Thanks for the responses. I have received some advice here that it's got more to do with matching than anything else. My PMC speakers obviously sound better with the Mcintosh 275 as the warm-sounding nature of these speakers coupled with the equally dark-sounding Plinius have proven to be a mismatch. I was told that there is still salvation in my Plinius amp as it is still a good unit on its own, and I was urged to try the Harbeth SHL-5. I need to listen to these speakers soon.

The thing that puts me off with the 275 is I cannot seem to figure out how to handle the amp properly. Although the Plinius amp is heavy, I can move it around confidently since it has the handles which prove to be very useful. There are none on the 275 and the tubes are so close to the edge of the chassis that i need to be really careful not to break anything when I lift it up, which is another arduous task. Maybe I need more practice.
I purchased my MC275 v5 about 6 weeks ago to replace a Classe CA400. I've been extremely satisfied with the change and I have no regrets. My system also consists of the Convergent Audio Technology SL-1 Ultimate preamp, Harbeth Super HL-5 speakers and I use a Rega Saturn as a transport and a Benchmark DAC1 PRE. I also have a REL Strata III sub. Nearly everything aspect of the sound has been improved by the change from the Classe to the 275. The improvements that I hear are similiar to the improvements that you described changing from the Plinius to the 275. In fairness to the Classe, I bought it to power my previous power hungry Thiel CS6 speakers and it did a great job of doing just that.
Ryder - You seem more concerned about moving the amp rather than listening to it. Common sense should apply here. When lifting (carrying) the amp, keep the transformers closest to your body - your center of gravity, with your hands on either side. The Mac transformers are somewhat heavy - they are quality transformers. I suggest you move the amp without the tubes in place. That way you shouldn't have to worry about 'breaking' anything. The amp is small enough in size that you can keep its center of gravity close to you when lifting and carrying it. Hopefully you will position it after some consideration, and not have to move it like barbells. Enjoy it!