With all due respect, what was the point of your post? To shift some of the blame to Charles or make excuses for Audiopax? The fact of the matter is that in March 2009, Charles tried to reach out to Audiopax to get his amplifiers repaired. You can read the history of the thread above. Why the amplifier's broke, who tried to fix them, and whose fault it was is irrelevant. Audiopax went MIA and apparently were restructuring for nearly two years.
Audiopax was sold and distributed hear in the U.S. for a few years. Jim Smith did a great job of promoting the Audiopax toasters. Unfortunately, Audiopax managed to develop a reputation for poor customer service. I know one customer that waited for months to get his Model 88's repaired. I came very close to purchasing a pair of Model 88's myself. A friend in the industry, convinced me not to because of these types of potential issues.
Eventually, Audiopax ran into U.S. distribution and dealer issues as well. To make matters worse, their U.S. retail prices more than doubled in a short amount of time. The devaluation of the American dollar didn't help. In addition, Audiopax was constantly fiddling with their designs. Often swapping out different parts. It got to the point where no one knew what version of the product they had received or were getting because no two were alike.
There is no doubt that Eduardo De Lima is a really nice guy. There is also no doubt that Audiopax makes great sounding products. However, it takes a lot more than these attributes to run a successful company. I would be very hesitant and cautious in purchasing any Audiopax product. However, I really do hope that they turn things around because Eduardo is a very talented designer that makes great sounding unique products.