Are there any Tube Integrateds out there with?

Pre out (for sub)
Auto bias
-I've looked at Primaluna (auto bias but no pre out)
-I'd love to find one with a set of balanced inputs but there don't seem to be any that aren't real expensive.
Looking to keep cost at about $2500 used - with at least 50 watts per side

VAC Avatar perhaps. Probably just under 50 wpc. 2 el-34s/side I think. Avatar Super has 2 KT-88s/side with definitely more punch but probably a little over your budget.
Jolida 502brc has pre-out and easily adjustable 1 minute biasing, with cool flashing red lights and everything.
The Avatar and Avatar SE are spec'ed at 27 watts triode and 60 watts ultralinear. The Avatar Super packs a bit more punch. Not all Avatars have a preamp out (mine did) or balanced inputs, but I believe all had an HT bypass. No auto bias either, although with the built in meter biasing was very easy. Just turn the screw for each output tube until the needle on the meter was centered. Great integrated amp.
Thanks Cli09 and Hanalemike I have to have a tube integrated with pre outs for my subs. Auto bias isn't a must as long as the biasing is simple.