Audio Electronic Supply AES/Cary AE3 MkII preamp

Does anyone use this preamp? I heard it may not be all that good.
I have had the Super Amp MkII for quite a while and it is very very good. I feed it with the variable output of a Benchmark DAC or the variable out from the Oppo into it with superb results.
I am looking to add a preamp because Iwould like more inputs. The matching AE3 MkII preamp is at the top of my list.
I love my AE3 MkII. Had it for a year and a half, running into monoblock Monarchy SM-70's. Still using the stock tubes. No complaints, lots of smiles.
I have an AES AE3 DJH preamplifier, and agree with those who say it's a superior component.

I bought it on the recommendation of my friends The Doctor (Mechans) and Joe (Slipknot1), two of the more discerning audiophiles I know, who both told me that with the Consonance Cyber 800 monoblocks The Doctor was using, the sound was reference level.

In my own systems, the AE3 has proven to possess a good combination of dynamics, punch, gain, and lushness. Pretty much exactly what I wanted out of a tube preamplifier. It proved a fabulous complement to my Atma Sphere M60 monoblocks as well as a few other amps I've paired it with. Reliability has proven excellent as well. The only nits I can come up with are related to the remote, if that is important to you (it's not to me) - the remote does not offer the ability to change inputs and the mute function reduces the sound to a fairly low level, but nothing close to silence. But, again, it's a no-brainer component for those audiophiles who put sonics as their number one priority.
Mjcmt -

I bought my Six Pacs new, have had them since January, so I'm assuming they're the most recent edition. I don't know about any changes that they've made to the driver stage, but mine came stock with 12AX7's and EL-84's. I've since swapped the 12AX7's with 12BZ7's, which definitely add more punch. If someone's linestage is a bit "hot" gain-wise, using a 12AX7 or 12AT7 might help.

I added the Cary soft shoes to the Six Pacs shortly after buying them. I'm thinking about putting a set on the AE-3 or trying vibrapods/cones.

I wouldn't mind trying the DJH version of the AE-3 with the SixPacs, but for now am happy with the MkII.
I understand that the new 6pacs (yours) are improved from what I read on AudioAsylum. Email or call Cary, they would be able to answer it.
They only make the DJH pre for Kevin Deal, probably until their supplies for production run out, as it really is discontinued. The new AES products have better transformers according to Cary. Also talking to Cary the DJH many be better in some ways but not all.